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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

2050 - honeycomb

N. sul panno osmotico dalle spume burghe //
pre- antologiche d' espanso umbone //
pungente in schiuma (bagnoschiuma) dall' ascoso etimo //

12.48 30/08/2006

"[..] some of the most striking phenomena in nature, like the colors on a butterfly wing, come about by the regular arrangement of atoms and molecules". "[..] a mechanism by which complex patterns are generated at the nanoscale". "[..] the assembly of molecules with no guidance from an outside source".
In: "Molecules Spontaneously Form Honeycomb Network".
University of California - Riverside. August 19, 2006.

Pawin G, et al. "A homomolecular porous network at a Cu(111) surface.". Science. 2006 Aug 18;313(5789):961-2

2042 - chimiche autoassemblanti. 01.36 16/08/2006.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

2004 - translating into a string

N. sul transiente trasognamento dall' astili lucidi nei micro Rna dell' etra espanso di neuro gitano //

a riarricciolare ansati dall' agili franti nell' ammassi granosi dell' a- tonato stinto spiaggiato //

12.46 13/05/2006

"[..] a sort of network of 'concept vectors'". In: "Basic Principles Of Communication". Weizmann Institute Of Science. May 8, 2006.